OWASP Large Language Model Security Verification Standard (LLMSVS) Cheatsheet
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Download our OWASP LLMSVS Cheatsheet for a quick and convenient overview of the standard.
The OWASP Large Language Model Security Verification Standard (LLMSVS) is an innovative framework created to enhance the security of applications powered by large language models (LLMs). It provides essential guidance for architects, developers, and security professionals to build, test, and maintain secure LLM applications.
- Security Verification Levels: The standard offers three levels of security assurance tailored to different risk profiles, ensuring robust controls for high-value or sensitive systems.
- Secure Development Lifecycle: Emphasizes the integration of security practices within the Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SSDLC) to maintain security from the outset.
- Adaptive Framework: Recognizes the dynamic nature of AI and cybersecurity, advocating for continuous updates and feedback to keep the standard relevant.
- Key Control Objectives: Includes guidelines for configuration and maintenance, model lifecycle management, real-time learning, data storage, LLM integration, and agent and plugin security.
- Practical Application: Provides a comprehensive checklist based on an organization’s specific needs, guiding through a tailored security assessment process.
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